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Nature Photographers


Nature Photographers

The images for this website were donated by various photographers. We would especially like to thank Reid Allen, Allen Dale, Larry Ditto, Keith Hackland and David Hansen. All images are copyright © protected.

Board Member Larry Ditto has a long history of photographing wildlife. A former Project Leader for the Santa Ana and the Lower Rio Grande Valley NWRs, he is now a full time nature photographer. For many years his images have been published by National Geographic books, Field & Stream, Natural History, Sports Afield and other magazines. You may also have recognized his work in Audubon Calendars, Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine, National Wildlife, and Texas Highways magazines. He and his partner Greg Lasley were the 2000 winners of the Valley Land Fund Wildlife Photo Contest. In his off time, Larry does workshops for nature festivals, judges photography contests, and advises landowners on how to set up commercial wildlife photography operations. Larry currently serves on the Board of the Friends of the Wildlife Corridor. To see some of his amazing images or to take one of his classes, visit

Board Member Keith Hackland owns and operates the Alamo Inn Bed & Breakfast. This historic lodging caters primarily to bird watchers and offers the hospitality of a traditional bed and breakfast. Keith serves on the Board of various non-profit organizations here in South Texas, including the Friends of the Wildlife Corridor and the Friends of Laguna Atascosa NWR.

Reid Allen is retired from collegiate sports administration and has spent some part of the last 30 winters in South Texas. He became a birder and nature photographer after seeing many of the special birds of the Valley while visiting the Refuges and other wildlife areas established for the benefit of the birds that visit or live in this region.

Allen Dale currently resides in Pennsylvania as a retired aerospace engineer who specialized in the design and testing of aircraft propellers. He was born and raised on Long Island, New York and is happily married with two daughters. He has spent the last eight winters in Texas, splitting his time between Galveston and Alamo. When he's not birding, golfing, reading, or woodworking, he's out photographing wildlife.

David Hansen is a retired educator from Wisconsin. He has lived in Mission since 1990 and has been active in nature photography. He currently publishes photographic reference CDs which can be seen on his web site at He returns to Wisconsin in the summer and where he also enjoys nature photography. His wildlife interests include birds, butterflies, dragonflies, damselflies, and tiger beetles.

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