The Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge offers archery, youth rifle and shotgun/muzzleloader hunts during the regular hunting season. To visit the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge's hunting page, click here.
The new cost for hunting permits are available to the public for $75 (archery, shotgun/muzzleloader and youth rifle).
Please note that applications will ONLY be accepted at the Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge on the starting date of August 1, 2012 until the last dayAugust 31, 2012.
Any late applications will NOT be accepted.
**You are allowed to hunt as a group. Up to (3)huntapplications can be stapled together per hunting method (i.e., Archery, Shotgun/Muzzleloader & Exotic Hunt). Note: If you staple the applications together you are given (1) number in the random drawing for YOUR group. Also, if you decide to mail the applications please staple the appropriate group applications together if they are NOT stapled they will be considered assingle entries.
Hunt seasons vary according to State regulations. To participate, hunters must have a permit issued by the Refuge. They must also have a valid hunting license, proof of hunter's education certification, and a picture identification on them while in the field. Permit applications must be filled out completely and accurately to be considered.
All Big Game hunt permits are randomly selected and Big Game hunt applications are ONLY accepted during the month of August. Unlimited permits are available for dove hunting and can be applied for at the Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) Visitor Center from 8a.m. to 4p.m. throughout the season.
Hunters who do not submit harvest reports as required by the Refuge's permit will be disqualified from future hunts on the Lower Rio Grande Valley NWR.
For more information about the LRGV NWR hunt opportunities, please call the Refuge at (956)784-7500.
Applications can be downloaded and submitted via mailto the LRGV NWR (address below)
Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge (LRGV NWR)
Attn: Hunt Coordinator
3325 Green Jay Rd.
Alamo,TX 78516
Also hunt applications can be dropped off at Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge Santa Ana Visitor Center directions:
The refuge is 7 miles South of Alamo,TX on FM 907/Alamo Rd Exit--about 1/4 mile east on Hwy 281.
Rules and regulations and directional and aerial maps for Refuge hunting opportunities are also provided.
*2012-2013 Hunt Regulations -- Required*
2012-2013 Public Hunt Information
2012-2013 Big Game Hunt Application
2012-2013 Big Game Harvest Report
Helpful Hints
Please call 956-784-7500 for more information about hunting opportunities, including special accommodations.
*Hunter Report Required*
As specified in the permit, hunters are required to submit a harvest report at the end of the season. Failure to do so will disqualify hunters from future hunts on the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge.
Filling Out the Application
•Name of the refuge: Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge
•Date of the Application: Enter the date you will submit the application
•Self explanatory
•Method - Enter as follows:
•For archery hunt: select Archery
•For shotgun/muzzleloader hunt: select Shotgun or Muzzleloader
•For Youth hunts: select Rifle
•For Exotic hunt: select Rifle
•Species: Leave blank
•Hunt date choices: Refer to the public hunt information sheet and select your hunt date choices for the hunt you are applying
•Hunt location choices: Leave blank
•Special hunt – Enter as follows:
•For Youth hunt and youth hunt exotic only: select youth hunt
•For Exotic hunt: select Other and enter Exotic Hunt
•No need to enter anything for Archery or shotgun/muzzleloader hunts
Map (Teniente) Aerial Map
Map (East Lake) Aerial Map
Map (Monte Christo Tract) Aerial Map
Map (La Grulla Tract) * The La Grulla Tract will be closed this hunt season due to the impacts offlooding.*
The Santa Ana NWR Visitor Center is located seven miles south of Alamo on Hwy. 281. For information or directions, call (956)784-7500.