Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge hosts archery and firearm hunts for white-tailed deer,feral hog, and nilgai antelope which typically fall between November through January.
To participate, hunters must have:
-Permit issued by Laguna Atascosa NWR. Cost per permit is $75.
-Valid hunting license
- Proof of hunter's education certification
-Identification on them while in the field
Hunt applications are only accepted during the month of August for the Laguna Atascosa NWR.
2013/2014 Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge Hunt Season dates:
ARCHERY HUNT #1: November 16-23, 2013
There will be 400 permits sold for this hunt
ARCHERY HUNT #2: January 4-11, 2014
This hunt is now a 8-day hunt and 400 permits will be sold
All archery hunt permits are still on a first-come, first-serve basis and will be sold Monday - Friday, 7:30 - 4, only during the month of August 2013.
Firearm hunt applications are due only during August, 2013. The firearm permits are issued on a random drawing and selected hunters are notified in September, 2013 through mail/email.
FIREARM HUNT #1: November 30- December 2, 2013
FIREARM HUNT #2: December 6-8, 2013
FIREARM HUNT #3: December 13-15, 2013
FIREARM HUNT #4: December 20-22, 2013
FIREARM HUNT #5: December 27-29, 2013
Click below for general hunt information, regulations, maps, or applications.
To be able to download and print all the material, your computer will need the most updated
version of Adobe Reader. To download the 2012 Adobe Reader, click here
For all hunt questions or concerns, please call 956-748-3607